Most of the children in Huaco – Ayacucho have siblings. They always go in group of three to school because the older brother or sister takes  the little ones with them.

This is the case with Micaela (12 years old), Julian (10 years old), and Rosy (5 years old).The three children walk a long distance to school . It can take from 2 to 3 hours to arrived to school. Depending on how fast the 5 years old can walk.

Micaela is a really shy girl, she like to learn and always takes the responsibility to bring her  brother and sister. All the clothes that she and her sibling wear are for donation of gentle use clothes a couple years ago and they still using it. That why you can see in then pictures how tight  and small are the clothes on them.

Julian is a really happy boy. He like play soccer with his friends. He ask my sister for a soccer ball when she come back. And the little one Rosy. She is such a cute girl she was following my sister all the time for a piece of bread that she was giving to everybody. Rosy is really shy and quiet. But you can see not when it comes to free food.

 This children need our help.They are in poor conditions but they live happy in the mountains with their parent, their land and animals.

The weather has been much colder then normal. It has been a struggle to grow food.  This weather condition are killing children and animals in this part of the mountain.

We are asking for donation or you can help us with one child. For $50 dollars  we can give them:

Water boots,winter jacket, backpack, school supplies (pen, pencil, sharper, erasers,color pencils,play dough,paint,draw book, notebooks) , toothpaste, toothbrush, soap and a toy.

The plumbers dream is in charge of the shipping and delivery of the donation. We will send you video or pictures of the child receiving the package with your name or business name on it.

If you are a business we will put your name on our banner as well.

Thank You

Cintia Perry.





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