Huaco school have around 23 children in need and with malnutrition. But this didn’t stop the children because they love to learn and eat. And this motivation make them walk almost 3 hours everyday to school. They have a hard time on winter trying to go school. the cold weather made their skin really sensitive and leave their faces red. For this reason they will stop coming to school which lead not to eat lunch. You can see in this video the place where they studied, eat and play. You can see too that the place is in the middle of nowhere only hills and mountains around. We will return to this place soon with donation. if you want to be involve you can donate on our page. And we will be in contact with you so you can see that your donation arrived to the children.

Thank you

Cintia Perry  – The Plumbers Dream

Delivery in Huaco Village 2024

After completing the delivery in Volcano Village, our volunteers set out for Huaco Village, which is located approximately an hour and a half away. Once we arrive in Huaco Village, we will meet with another group of eager children who are excitedly waiting to receive...

Delivery in Volcano Village 2024

Our team has embarked on a journey, leaving the town behind as we head towards the majestic mountains to meet a group of children eagerly awaiting our arrival. The trip is expected to take us approximately three and a half hours to reach our destination for our first...

“Preparing all the baskets.”

Take a look at our journey.