You can see in this video how The volunteers are classifying all the donation and putting them in big bags ready to send it . This big package have a long journey first it goes bus from Lima and deliver it to Ayacucho . Then The volunteer will pick it up in a car and take it to Querobamba which is 6 hours away from the central city of Ayacucho.
When they arrive they will have to take a Truck that will take them to their destination Huaco.
(From Querobamba – Sucre will take 2 hours). We want to said thank you to the Hospital in Querobamba for lending us the truck.
Leaving the storage in Lima Arriving to the bus station to send it
Picking it up from the bus station storage in Ayacucho Arriving to Querobamba
Putting everything on the Truck to go to Huaco Finally in Huaco
A Video of our way from Huamanga to Querobamba.
Thank you
Cintia Perry