Waiting for the Second Truck

Waiting for the Second Truck

We are waiting for the second truck  to come.  meanwhile we are playing some games with the children.  We received some children that they were walking from far away to be in our meeting. The first group start to get worry for the second Truck and suddenly the...
First Truck Arrives!!

First Truck Arrives!!

The first Truck arrived at the health center where all the children where waiting for us and ready to help put all the donation inside the health center. everybody where excited that we are there. Waiting for a surprise. On Our Way by the plumbers dream | February 12,...
Our Trip to Huaco

Our Trip to Huaco

Our 2 trucks are over loaded , The first truck already leave on their way to Huaco . The second truck will follow them but we have to make a stop for Gasoline. We have to stop and check the donations are ok but we didnt notice that we are  lost!!! . We have to stop...
Coordinate Everything

Coordinate Everything

Before our group leave to Huaco. They have to coordinate how do they will organize everything . Drinking a Cup of Chocolate by the plumbers dream | February 4, 2023 | News | 0 Comments It looks a little thing for us a cup of chocolate but for them it means a lot have...
The Donation

The Donation

  we want to say THANK YOU to all the customers of the different business that are helping us this year.   We are Working hard to get everything ready!! Cintia Perry...