Citizen of Huaco

Citizen of Huaco

     As we mention before the children have a long walk to arrive at school. Well, the same goes for the parents.  In this short video you can see our group is going in cars to Huaco school. And there are donkeys walking with babies and children. Exposing...
Knowing the Children the Better

Knowing the Children the Better

We will dedicate this section to know the children and It will be the group that will have a Happy Christmas:     Elvis                                                  Samuel                                                     Carolina     Anaiz                     ...
Huaco School

Huaco School

Huaco school have around 23 children in need and with malnutrition. But this didn’t stop the children because they love to learn and eat. And this motivation make them walk almost 3 hours everyday to school. They have a hard time on winter trying to go school....
The children in Huaco – Ayacucho

The children in Huaco – Ayacucho

Most of the children in Huaco – Ayacucho have siblings. They always go in group of three to school because the older brother or sister takes  the little ones with them. This is the case with Micaela (12 years old), Julian (10 years old), and Rosy (5 years...
Explorando Ayacucho

Explorando Ayacucho

Este año nuestro grupo de ayuda The Plumbers Dream, viajó al sur del Perú, rumbo al departamento de  Ayacucho; a explorar un pueblo llamado  Huaca  que queda a pocas horas de una ciudad llamada Querobamba en la provincia de Sucre. Nuestro grupo está llegando a la...
Explorando Ayacucho

Exploring Ayacucho

This Year our group The Plumbers Dream has traveled to the south of Peru. They arrived to Ayacucho State to explore a village call it Huaco that Its a 2 hours from a city called Querobamba. Our group is going to this place so they can better know the needs of the...